Monday, March 19, 2007

Cate Blanchett for Indy 4

Its been all over the web the last few days but it now seems that Cate Blanchett is in talks for an unspecified role in Indy 4. No deal has yet been concluded but speculation has already started on whether she will play a love interest or even Indy's daughter. I don't know about you guys but i think that Blanchett is too young to be playing a love interest for Harrison Ford's character, although stranger things have happened. I think its probably more likely that she will play a side-kick of some sort - Blanchett could eaily pull off a believable archaeologist!

In other Indy news Shia LeBouf has also been linked with the role of Indy's son but again no deal has been struck. Stay tuned for all the news on Indy 4 as it breaks.

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